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5 Tips to writing a New Year's Resolution

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

A New Years resolution is a firm decision or promise to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad.

The change you promise to make usually starts on the first day of the new year; so 1st January but if you are anything like me, you probably start the second week of January or even February.

This year I am starting mine 1st February because I have had a bit of a bumpy start of the year. Better late than never ya?

So if you are like me and you don't have a New Years resolution, join me let us make one together.

These are 5 tips to helps us write a New Years resolution that is not just a list.

Tip #1 - Think realistically

As much as we would want to accomplish a lot in one day, sometimes we won't especially if it's an unrealistic goal or plan.

Example saying you want to lose 10kg in one month could be unrealistic and setting yourself up to fail so instead of saying I want to lose 20kg by the end of 2023 I could say I want to lose 10kg by the end of the year.

Tip #2 - Be precise

Precision Precision Precision! being precise reduces and in most cases removes all the unnecessary distraction from what you are trying to achieve. Try not to have a vague plan, narrow it down to an exact goal.

Example instead of saying I want to accomplish more this year, I could say I want to be more productive and manage my time better.

"Be precise. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small." – Donald Rumsfeld

Tip #3 - Body, mind and soul should be a foundation

The foundation for change and improvement has to always include and envelope the primal things that makes us alive and who we are.

The body or meat suit as they will say in supernatural (the TV show ha ha) is a vital engine that needs to be regularly maintained. Even when a person looks physically good, that needs to be maintained properly. This will focus on physical health and how we intend to maintain and improve it.

The mind; though it has no physical headquarters, can have a huge physical and psychological manifestation. It is very important that we maintain, protect and improve our mental health. This will solely focus on improving and maintaining our mental health

The soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being. If you are religious, this will be looked at as your relationship with God. I am religious so I don't know how to describe what a soul is for people that are not religious.

I could maybe talk about it in a movie setting like in The alchemy of souls there you go! ha ha, it's an energy!

Tip #4 - Don't just make a list, make a plan

A list will be a bullet point of things with no direction on how you want to get the things done. A plan would state what you want to achieve and how you intend to go about achieving that thing. It will set you on a particular direction.

Example having on your list "be more healthy" is good but how do you intend to do it? being realistic and precise will help you make a plan that would actually be accomplished.

Tip #5 - Write it down

Lastly, write or type the New Years resolution in a place that is easily accessible, a place you can see it everyday if need be. It's been proven that writing a plan out helps you see what you need to do and keeps things task orientated.

In conclusion, a New Year's Resolution should not be a list of random things, it should be a realistic, precise and private plan; written down for the sole purpose of improving yourself. It should not put you under pressure instead it should be a blueprint to a better version of yourself.

Aim to write down the plan and review it every month to make sure you don't verve too far from the ultimate plan.

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